How to track anyone's phone location without them knowing! This was used on me. |
How to track anyone's phone location without them knowing! This was used on me.
Yeah, pretty scary. I'm able to track anyone's location anywhere in the world. which is I guess how I was personally tracking this is really really scary. but the reason I'm telling you all this and the reason I'm going to show you exactly how to do this is that something happened to me that prompted me to make this article. and that's a few red flags all over the place.
so if you wanna know what that is and how you can protect yourself. Let me show you what you need to know. Let's do this talking with me. my name's John where I make tics simple if you're into phone gadget apps tips and tricks. okay before we get going I just want to have a big disclaimer that this isn't teaching you how to do this so you can go and track other people around the world.
This is more so you understand what's going on, you understand the risk and then you understand how to protect yourself against this kind of being tracked. There are also two parts to this article. The first is I'm going to show you what happened to me and how I reversed engineered this technique so that I can understand it. and then the second part I want to discuss is if this is a real thing should you actually be worried or is this just one of those media hype things and you're gonna have to decide for yourself where you kind of fit into that.
I was flying to Los Angeles. I was speaking at something called vlog University. an amazing event with unknown loved it and was supposed to be there for two days. Everything was going great. I did my panel session on the first day and then on the second day, I had to actually leave to go back early. what happened was I received a message the moment and landed in Dallas saying, wow welcome back to Dallas. I can't believe you were gone for so long. we should totally hang out.
Okay, that wasn't cool, that freaks me out. because as far as other people are concerned as far as everybody knew I was still in Los Angeles it's a two-day event. I happen to have left early. How do people know that I was leaving?
Then I started thinking that my airline flight act was that my GPS meant that my instant messages were an email that I clicked on something I shouldn't have. all of those good things were rushing in my head because they knew where I was. This just freaked me out.
so I've discovered how they did it.
How they tracked my phone number location. |
Let me show you how to do this so that you understand how simple it is and how anybody can actually do this. so everything revolves around an IP logger and a URL shortened. What happens you click on this link and then you go to IP logger code. you put it on any real website you click that button and it generates a short code that looks like this HTTP IP logger that org forward-slash some weird number that's tied into me. Now the hacker has got this particular information and he can send it to me via email via text via WhatsApp.
and when I go into something like an incognito window and I simply paste that address just to show you that it works as it takes me to my website. this is the techie guy dot-com my blog but look what happens on the back end these guys are able to see exactly all this information can see my IP address. I can even see the country where I can see the city and in fact if I click on the map it even maps out my exact location. well does it this is the question.
ok so as you can see it's pretty simple to basically track anyone bad before you totally freak out you would have noticed that. it's not a hundred percent accurate in other words. it can get me down to my city but it couldn't get me down to my suburb and certainly couldn't get me down to the house. So why is that what's going on so the system uses something called IP geolocation and essentially what it does is look up your IP address and try to marry it up with your country which it gets pretty much right. I mean that's a 95 to 100 percent rise in all the tests that are that I've pretty much done but the next step is much much more difficult down to your state down to your city and certainly down to your suburb. and your house is virtually impossible.
The accuracy varies as you go further again is that it's a good thing. The reason that this happens is the way that your ISP actually sets it up whether it's for your home network or whether it's for your cell phone. It works pretty much the same way with an IP address: getting to your country is pretty easy. Because it's geographically located there are certain IP ranges X happens in specific countries around the world.
However, anything further goes through your service provider and your service provider is smart enough to have a public-facing IP address and a private IP address. The private IP address is like what happens on your internal Wi-Fi network: it doesn't leave your house.
everything stays anonymously inside your network but your public-facing IP address is what these guys are using to track it. What a service provider does is take all those IP addresses and routes them via their central hub in their area and broadcast that as the IP address. so at best they can maybe get your city but probably not your suburb or your area.
my recommendation for you is to test this on yourself send yourself the URL go to what's my IP address command to see what you can see. I would strongly advise installing something like a VPN which can mask your actual location and make it seem like you're coming in from another city or even another country. and that is great some people aren't able to track you.